Stefan Schreier

Mahidol University, Thailand

Title: Systemic cytology for evidence-based investigation into cardiovascular disorder


Cardiovascular diseases are ranking high worldwide in cause of death and posing a major public health burden. Prolonged Covid-19 endemicity in heavily vaccinated countries may contribute to an additional burden of currently unknown scale comprising a spectrum of vascular disorders. Evidence-based screening for cardiovascular dysfunction at early stages is potentially lifesaving and can be facilitated by circulating endothelial cells (CEC) that represent cardiovascular damage. In particular, myocarditis, non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction and pre-vessel rupture detection was shown to be facilitated by CEC. It is has been proposed that CECs tell a tail in particular by their morphology yet, only highly specialized cell-based liquid biopsy platforms based on microscopy analysis support the detailed read out. Our group presents a late prototype liquid biopsy platform of such a type. Detection of cardio-vascular disorder in individuals at risk was based on the systemic cytology principle whereby recording the entirety of the circulating rare cell population found in an individual per sample. An analytical strategy for grading disease severity and stratification of cardiomyopathy is proposed.


Stefan Schreier is currently a lecturer and researcher at Mahidol University and international start-up entrepreneur dedicated to advance liquid biopsy in the academic and commercial sector. He graduated from Munich University of Applied Sciences in Bionengineering with a German Diploma degree in 2008 then, continued education a year later to a doctoral degree at Mahidol University, Thailand in pathobiology and graduated in 2012. After graduation, Stefan worked in a Mahidol university spin-off company as product developer for over 3 years.