Maria Antonieta Albanez

Real Hospital Português, Brazil

Title: Comparing single-catheter transradial approach and transfemoral approach in acute coronary syndromes


Background: The transradial approach is currently the first option for percutaneous coronary procedures, whether diagnostic or therapeutic, particularly in patients with acute coronary syndromes. However, there is limited data in the literature comparing the use of a universal cateter from a radial approach versus the transfemoral approach. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of the single-catheter radial approach compared with the transfemoral approach.

Methods: A retrospective assessment of cases of acute coronary syndrome undergoing invasive risk stratification and ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention by transradial or transfemoral approach. In the transradial group, we selected cases in which one single guiding catheter was used in the procedure.

Results: Between November 2011 and January 2013, we investigated 198 patients who met the selection criteria. Except for the higher mean age observed in the transradial group (63.5 vs. 59.2; p=0.002), there were no differences in clinical characteristics. In addition, there were no differences in clinical presentation, culprit vessel, number and size of the stents used, or final angiographic success rate. The number of vascular complications was higher, particularly hematomas <5cm, in the transfemoral group.

Conclusion: The use of single-catheter transradial approach is feasible, safe and effective in managing patients with acute coronary syndrome.


To be updated