Francis Anene

Darlington Memorial Hospital, United Kingdom

Title: Extensive aortic dissection in a low risk male- A case report


Aortic dissection is a major differential diagnosis in an elderly male with severe chest pain radiating to the back, with a history of hypertension, smoking, or connective tissue disorders such as Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Acute Aortic Dissection is a medical emergency with very high mortality rate if undetected and untreated. This report describes the case of a patient presenting with extensive aortic dissection with no significant risk factors who was diagnosed following a CT angiogram of the aorta. He was subsequently managed medically before being transferred for definitive surgical management with a good outcome.


Francis Anene is a Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine, who is climbing his way towards a Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. He also has an interest in research, thus concurrently completing a MSc in International Public Health. He has one publication in a peer reviewed journal and another in the works. He is a peer reviewer of medical publications with two journals.