Djuro Koruga

Biomedical Optics Lab; NanoWorld AG, Serbia

Title: Psychocardiology and biological quantum entanglement: “A spooky action at a distance”


The motivation for measuring the paramagnetism of human blood in this study was to see how long blood can remain in a vital biophysical state at room temperature. Twelve healthy subjects, seven women and five men, aged between 30 and 60, participated in the study. The 5 ml of arteries blood was taken from them, 3 ml for biochemical analysis and 2 ml for paramagnetism study. On the first day of measurement, the paramagnetic average value of the blood (all subjects), was in the range of 20.16 pT  3.20 pT. For the next 14 days, the blood paramagnetism values for all volunteers were in the range as it was the first day but on the 15th day, in the blood samples of two subjects they suddenly noticed a very high value of paramagnetism, subject 4 to 110pT4.5 pT and subject 9 to 250 pT5.6 pT. This serendipity event immediately aroused our attention and we determined that these two people that day had a heated discussion with a high degree of anger. Over the next ten days, the value of blood paramagnetism in the other 10 subjects remained within normal limits, while these two slightly decreased in the case of these two people with anger emotional stress. This “strange” event at a distance (about 5 km), between a persons and their 15-day-old blood sample, we recognized as a biological quantum entanglement (“spooky action on a distance”), because not only 3d-shell electronic states of the iron ion   of the hemoglobin active center  participates in it, but also a very complex hemoglobin’s molecular  an energy-informational code for cooperativity. This, “psychocardiology at a distance” phenomenon, and similar experiments with quantum entangled pairs are opening  possibility  to extend current research in quantum information science in both physics and biological systems.


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