Riky Luis Perez Lucas

Specialized Medical Unit 34 IMSS, Mexico

Title: Central venous catheter insertion length for optimal placement


Aim: To compare the optimal position of the tip of the central venous catheter when use a standardized measurement of the length insertion versus it is placed without the standardized measurement.

Material and Methods: Prospective non-randomized study from July 2019 to March 2020; The patients whose catheters were placed using the standardized measurement technique and the control group with length insertion at the discretion of the physician who performed the procedure were grouped into two groups. The position of the tip was subsequently verified on a chest radiography. Statistical analysis was performed with the Fisher or Chi square test, with statistical significance of <0.05 in addition to relative risk.

Results: Of a total of 134 patients who required the placement of a central venous catheter, 55 underwent the technique with standardized measurement and 79 were controls. In the group with the right jugular insertion site, the subgroup subjected to the technique was compared against the control group and a RR of 5.9 (95% CI 3.0-11.5, p <0.001) was found to present optimal position. In the group with the left jugular insertion site, a RR of 1.9 was found (95% CI 1.0-3.5, p= 0.02).

Conclusions: A higher frequency was found with the use of the standardized measurement technique to present optimal position in the right jugular site. Statistical significance was found in the left jugular site in woman group.


Riky Luis studied medicine, later he studied two specialties, the first general surgery and the second angiology/vascular surgery in Mexico at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is a presenter of talks in congresses and has some publications.