Track: Hypertension and Cardiac Regeneration

Heart Discussions 2024


"In addition to Blood Pressure: Discovering the Power of Cardiac Regeneration in Hypertension"

Hypertension is a serious disorder that raises the chance of developing heart, brain, kidney, and other diseases. The amount of blood pumped by your heart and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries both influence blood pressure.

Cardiac Regeneration is an endeavor to heal irreversibly damaged heart tissue using advanced techniques such as stem cell and cell-free cell treatment. The body's natural ability to regenerate has been utilized to create reparative tools for restoring damaged heart tissue and function.

Blood Pressure Variations
Stress Management
      High Blood pressure
•      Anxiety
Essential and Secondary Hypertension
•      Heart Regeneration in Lower Vertebrates
      Reprogramming Fibroblasts to Cardiomyocytes